Meet Your Chemistry Assistant
The CheMastery Robotic Platform

A cutting-edge, chemistry-agnostic automation system designed to transform chemical research and manufacture. Capable of automating up to 90% of organic chemistry processes, the CheMastery Robotic Platform is your partner in accelerating discoveries, ensuring reproducibility, scale-up and maximizing efficiency in research or manufacture.

CheMastery Automation Platform

What if you never had to repeat a reaction again?

End-to-End Automation: Connect reagents, press play, walk away


Chemist inputs or selects
chemical experimental

CheMastery's pre-trained Machine Learning model
analyses and standardises the experiment and information


Digital, standardised
experimental created:
CheMastery Protocol


The CheMastery Protocol is automatically translated to robotic operations

The Robot executes the Protocol end-to-end, without human intervention, from starting materials to synthesis, isolation and purification, while collecting data and using scale-up
manufacture processes


• Digital, validated, reproducible protocol
correlated to data
• Scale-up chemistry
• Retention of skill &

Modular System:
Build the Lab Assistant You Need

Automated Isolations

  • Intelligent liquid-liquid separations
  • Filtrations and cartridge drying
  • Automated removal and recovery of solvents

Purification Partner

  • Automated distillations
  • Capture and release stationary phase filtration
  • Precise temperature-controlled crystallisations

Machine Precision & Accuracy

• Mmol to mol scale
• Total volume: 30mL - 3L
• -60 to +200°C
• 50 µL and 0.1 °C accuracy
• Separate waste streams


• Sensor data
• Sampling on the go
• Autonomously explore a reaction space
• Iterate until perfect
• Reproducible results every time

Standardize Experimentals: Master Your Data

Digitize Archives

  • Digitize experimentals in minutes
  • Retain skill and knowledge in a searchable format

Build Protocols

  • Create new automated procedures in minutes
  • Run automated Design of Experiment studies for optimal results

Standardize Reports

  • Create GMP/CMC style protocols
  • Share protocols securely with teams or customers